“This practice has saved my life. Period. Around 90 days of meditating 2x's a day I had my first day in 5 years of no brain pain. I no longer stuttered or had tremors and the suicidal thoughts stopped. This is the best tool I have found in 25+ years of personal growth and development and I’ve studied with Tony Robbins and Brendon Burchard… Yashoda is the best teacher I’ve ever had when it comes to full-value and fearless living and I choose her as my teacher for the rest of my life.”

⁠— Neal T.

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Lucy Ross

“I once heard someone say that practicing vedic meditation makes it possible for you to have your own back. And that is exactly what I needed. Through this practice, I have no more drug cravings, no more shopping urges, my anxiety has been reduced by at least 80 percent and my eating disorder just dissipated. Yashoda changed everything for me. Initially, I learned to meditate with a TM teacher, which was good but it was also very basic. But with Yashoda, I gain deep knowledge which I love.”

⁠— Dana K.

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Lucy Ross

“This meditation practice has helped me come into my own power and creative side that had been pushed aside my entire adult life. Since learning, I've developed a conscious business that is completely aligned with the times. And on a personal level, I used to be super fast to judge, get angry, and overall had a depressed view about the world. I was having daily panic attacks. Now, there is stillness within me. I am more gentle, patient, and curious. And the anxiety? It's been two years now with few instances.”

⁠— Berkley G.

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Lucy Ross

"Yashoda Devi Ma is a teacher for our time.

She has created a sacred space for her profound teachings which transmit both a depth of mastery and a depth of love. I am uplifted, inspired, and revitalized by Yashoda's embodiment of potent feminine leadership and wisdom. And my practice has moved to another level through her guidance. Yashoda is a treasure for our Boulder community."

⁠— David Tusek, M.D.

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Lucy Ross