Guided Breathwork + Mantra Meditations

downloadable Audio meditations to calm the nervous system, create relaxing brainwaves, and alter our state of consciousness into a frequency. Relax and enjoy.

Bliss Meditation

mantra: sat chit ananda

Absolute Bliss Consciousness.
Sat is absolute non-changing truth. Chit is pure consciousness. Ananda is bliss.

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Compassion Meditation

mantra: om tara tu tare ture so ta 

Raises the level of consciousness, opens the heart chakra, eliminates fear, disease, anxiety, brings peace of mind and prosperity.  This mantra helps us overcome unpleasant situations. 

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Love Meditation

mantra: aham prema

”I am love”

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Devotion Meditation

mantra: ram hanumana

Invoking the deep devotion to awaken the path to heart. 

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