

for THE NEXT In-Person Group Med

limited spots at the space. Signup for building code.


The Treehouse Building | 737 29th St, Suite 201B, Boulder, 80303

Dear Meditators, I appreciate you taking the time to RSVP if you plan to join me in person for Group Med & Tea each week. It helps me prepare seating and also keeps you updated on any changes.


P.S. Be sure to come to Group with a basic understanding of this easy breathwork sequence taught below.


RSVP for VM Refresher Course

attend as many sessions as you like

As an initiated meditator of this technique you are always welcome to sit in on Days 2 - 4 of the Intro Course to refresh. When you refresh, you gain a more expanded understanding of the teachings now that you have had direct experience in your own practice.
Day 2:
Mantra: How to Use It + Its Components
Day 3:
Mind/Body Connection: Stress Release + Deep Experiences
Day 4:
Expansion + Human Potential with Higher States of Consciousness

*Note: there are often morning and evening sessions offered, choose the one that suits your schedule.



Japa Refresher

***Specifically For those who have attended the Japa Meditation Course***

Let' s get together and tune in with our Japa practice. This is an opportunity to practice and ask any tune up question's or share experience's in a group setting.

I look forward to connecting.




All Upcoming Events

The 1-hour Intro Talk, as well as Group Meditations, Knowledge Meetings, and refresher course for existing meditators are FREE!

However, all courses and workshops are paid events despite showing “free” on the widget below. This is unfortunately something we cannot change on the widget at this time.
