It is my great pleasure to connect with you…
and share my passion for meditation and the yogic teachings. We are living in an intense time of awakening and transformation. The old ways of approaching life, work, health, successful living aren’t working nor are they fulfilling. We are ready to live with more presence, in harmony with nature, slowing down to live more fully and we redefining our relationships with ourselves and others.
I am Yashoda Devi Ma, the owner of YDM Meditation Studio, a space curated with love and elegance. When you step inside, you will feel a sense of peace and expansion. I have spent the half of twenty years studying Vedic sciences and techniques in Northern India, and I have been a vedic meditation teacher for a decade, guiding and teaching thousands of individuals.
I specialize in holistic practices that connect the mind, body, and spirit. Through personalized mantras, I help initiate a deep restful state of meditation where the mind can move beyond thought and experience silence and stillness. This practice offers profound rejuvenation and healing to our overall well-being.
In addition to meditation, I prescribe yogic practices such as pranayama, kriya, Japa, Vedic astrology, and tantra to help harness your energy. These practices have personally helped me overcome depression, insomnia, and other challenges, leading me to a path of healing, peace and happiness.
I have witnessed incredible transformations in people's lives through these ancient yogic practices. From calming the mind to healing physical and mental ailments, these practices have brought happiness, self-confidence, and spiritual well-being to many.
I am honored to be a part of your journey and help you live a higher-value life. I invite you to join my next Free 1 hr Intro Talk on Meditation and discover the transformative power of these practices.
with love,
What is the Foundational Practice?
This mantra meditation is a truly transformative practice rooted in the ancient Vedic tradition of India. It taps into the wisdom of Ayurvedic medicine and Yoga. For thousands of years, this practice has been passed down through generations of revered teachers and students, preserving its purity and power.
What's amazing is that this practice is perfect for modern life. It's designed for people like us, who lead busy lives filled with both joys and challenges. Whether you have a family, a career, children, or a mortgage, this practice is accessible to everyone.
All you need to do is find a comfortable spot, sit for just 20 minutes, twice a day, and let your personal mantra do the work for you. It's effortless and incredibly empowering.
Your mantra will become like a trusted friend, gently leading you to progressively deeper states of relaxation where stresses are released from the nervous system and a greater sense of wellbeing arises.
“The practice has truly helped me process grief and release it. I feel better mentally & physically in every possible way. I have been told I look different—more at peace and relaxed—and this is from people who aren’t aware of the changes in my practice (for years prior, I did the rigid, back-straight, ‘don't have any thoughts, don’t move’ kind of meditation). Now, I feel relief from chronic, unrelenting PTSD. I was always waiting for the other shoe to drop. I am so much more comfortable in my own skin and have mental clarity. And it’s all just easy and effortless, which is why I’ve been able to stick with it and truly receive the benefits of it. ”
You don't have to make any major changes to your life to start reaping the benefits of this practice. It doesn't require anything other than a commitment to sit down and relax twice a day. It's designed to be simple, natural, innocent, and effortless – qualities we could all use a little more of in our lives.
Many new students are pleasantly surprised by how quickly they tap into the deeper essence of their being through this meditation practice. With time, accumulated stresses and unhelpful habits start to fade away as the natural intelligence within us becomes more activated during meditation. Doubts, disharmony, and limiting beliefs begin to dissolve, making room for increased creativity, bliss, and fearlessness. It's truly a transformative journey.

A Truer You
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to fully unleash your human potential? What's holding you back? Meditation can be the key to envisioning a future where you thrive, while also unlocking your mind's full capacity to make that future a reality. In fact, as you consistently practice meditation, you naturally tap into your true potential.
Studies have shown that this form of meditation produces states of biological rest greater than that of sleep.
During this unique form of meditation, our consciousness expands while our body rests. It's been scientifically proven that this practice produces a state of biological rest even deeper than sleep. This means that we can truly unwind and regenerate on a physical and mental level, releasing any accumulated stress that may be holding us back.
“The daily stresses of life are washed away when I sit down to practice and I have begun to see a part of myself come through I only had glimpses of before. Mundane aspects of my life have begun expressing themselves more creatively and with a structure that is so natural it feels magical.”
By incorporating regular periods of rest into our daily routine, we optimize and balance our energy, allowing us to perform at our best in all areas of life. We become more adaptable and resilient, thriving in challenging situations without overwhelming our minds, bodies, and nervous systems. We are naturally wired for bliss and adaptability, but excessive stress can disrupt our innate intelligence and lead to illness.
When we achieve optimal rest through meditation, we free ourselves from the burdens of stress. This opens the door to greater clarity, intuition, creativity, vitality, adaptability, and overall well-being. Our baseline becomes one of happiness and contentment, which radiates through our actions and leads to greater success in all aspects of life. We become the embodiment of "I'm happy for no dang reason," and it shows.
The Perks of Being a Meditator
Thousands of scientific studies and peer review studies have been done validating meditation as a powerful antidote to the negative impact of stress, giving rise to greater health and well being.
Research shows that a daily meditation practice produces the following benefits:
Decrease inflammation
Improve sleep and provide relief from insomnia
Reduce or eliminate addictive behaviors
Improve sports performance
Relief from asthma and allergy symptoms
Improve relationship with our self and others
Improve parenting
Improve sexual relation that is healthy and natural
Increase our sense of well being and happiness
Reduce stress, anxiety and fatigue
Improve concentration, focus and memory
Increase energy and resilience
Improve creative intelligence and motivation
Increase our ability to make high-speed accurate decisions
Increase our ability to stay calm under pressure
Strengthen the immune system
Increase social connection and reduce loneliness
Normalize of blood pressure and cholesterol
With meditation you will feel more radically vibrant, healthy and in flow rather than living through reaction and survival mode.