Learn to Round: an Advanced Technique for YDM Meditators



I absolutely love teaching you the Rounding technique (asana, pranayama, meditation, yummy lie down)! 

It is truly is one of my most favorite techniques to share with my students. It’s so gentle, healing and powerful. I will teach how to approach asana from a transcendental perspective to achieve full value of the practice. Learning this technique will deepen your meditation.

What is Rounding?

Rounding is a systematic procedure derived from the ancient Veda* that's designed to purify the mind and body at the deepest level. This process consists of a specific sequence of easy yoga poses (asanas), balancing breath technique (pranayama), meditation, and horizontal rest.

The simplicity and effortless nature of the technique produces powerful results. Performing the proper progression with the correct intention allows deep-rooted stresses to release and brings the nervous system back into balance.

Effortless purification of the mind and body through Rounding can bring you to a greater state of happiness, clarity and peace more quickly. Practicing multiple Rounds on this retreat weekend is equivalent to 4-6 months of meditation.

It's easy to learn Rounding regardless of your physical fitness. Custom modifications are available for those with physical limitations. You’ll learn how to incorporate this advanced practice into your daily life at home for continued benefit.

What to do and bring for the workshop

Be sure to eat a nice grounding breakfast the morning of (such as warm oatmeal). One that won’t leave you uncomfortable with a full belly yet not hungry.  I will have fresh fruit + tea for an afternoon snack when we break midway. (Let me know if are allergic to any fruit) .

What to bring…

  1. Dress comfortable

  2. Pillow + cozy blanket

  3. Notebook and pen

  4. Yoga Mat

*we want your lie down to be as lovely and deeply restful as possible. so bring a what makes you feel relaxed and cozy. (There are meditation cushions, back jacks, some bolsters)

We will be doing very light, easy, effortless asanas, pranayama (breath work), our normal meditation and a restful lie down. I will hand out sheets for you to keep with all the asanas and breath work on it. You can write notes or bring something to write notes in.


Fee for existing rounders to join guided round: $35

You will register via Universe, but payment must be made directly to me prior to the workshop via:

If you have any other questions feel free to reach out. Otherwise I will see you the morning of the workshop!